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Monday, May 30, 2011

Call of Duty Black Ops Zombies Tips. KINO DER TOTEN EDITION!

Whew, that was a mouthful.

Zombies is one mode that many people have started playing, even more than Multiplayer (in some cases). I personally LOVE zombies and I play it more than Multiplayer. After surviving 28 rounds and getting 637 kills I thought I would share some tips and tricks for you. Remember, this is more geared towards people that have never played zombies/suck at it and want to get better. Although, Veterans may find a couple tips useful.
Anyway, here are some Zombies tips for the map Kino Der Toten.


1. In order to maximize points in rounds 1-5, shoot the Zombies with your starting pistol (M1911) 4 times in the chest/legs and then knife. This yields the max amount of points. If you run out of bullets just knife.

2. DON'T STEAL in the first couple of rounds. This just ruins the team. Everyone will start stealing and a zombie outbreak WILL happen.

3. If you are operating two players or solo (maybe even 3 players) with multiple doors to take care of, buy a weapon. This will make it ten times easier. M14 is favored due to shorter reload time.

4. Have one person let zombies out of the door. Because the zombies are outside their entry points, they can drop power-ups with Max Ammo, Insta-Kill, Nuke, e.t.c


1. I recommend opening up the top section. Open the first and second door and buy the MP40.

2. If you are killin' upstairs, stay mobile, looking between that one zombie entry area and everywhere else. If you are killin' downstairs, navigate though the three doors, killing whatever and rebuilding constantly. For 2 people, One goes upstairs and one goes downstairs. For 3 people, 1 goes upstairs and 2 goes downstairs. For 4 people, 2 go downstairs and 2 goes upstairs.

ROUNDS 11-14

1. Open up doors to the place with the Power switch. DO NOT TURN IT ON UNLESS NESSESARY.

2. Have 1-2 people guard the area with the traps and 1-2 guard the 2 doors.


1. Turn on the power.

2. Go for Juggernog. Look for the Perks section for more details.

2. Go for the Mystery Box. You can find it buy looking at those signs. The green light signifies that the Mystery Box is in that area. Get a good weapon.

3. Go for Speed Cola and Quick Revive (In that order). Look for the Perks section for more details.

4. Trail. Look for my Trailing Section for more details.


Juggernog is one of the most useful Perks. It gives your 3x the health. This prevents you from getting easily downed. It's located in the corner with a orange glow, near the entrance to the Lobby. It costs 2500 points. Well worth the purchase.

See that? It's in the top right corner.

Speed Cola
Speed Cola is similar to Sleight of Hand in Multiplayer; It halves your reload time and increases your boarding /barricading time by %60. Located in the room that you were in at Rounds 6-10.  Costs 3000 points although very useful.

Quick Revive:
Quick Revive reduces your revive time by quite a lot. Located in the room you start at. Costs only 1500. Useful if you have a distraction like Awful Layton (Pack-a-Punched Crossbow) or Monkey Bombs for multiple revivals.

Double-Tap Rootbeer

Double Tap Rootbeer gives you increased fire rate. I DO NOT recommend this at all (unless you are using Snipers/Shotguns) because it drains Ammo too fast. Located in the Alley area. Costs 2000.


My favorite part of zombies. I'll refer you to this awesome guide on the Call of Duty Wiki for a complete list of Pack-A-Punched weapons.

Pack-A-Punch is a machine accessed via the teleporter, which is in the Theater when you turn the power on. The machine is in the back of the room you access via the teleporter. It costs 5000. I recommend using this with weapons that are out of ammo. You pay your points, shove your weapon into that machine, and... BAM!!!! A new weapon is created with full ammo. ESSENTIAL to surviving.

Weapons List:


The most effective way to combat dogs is to go into a corner and camp. Dogs will come, one by one, and you kill, one by one. Shotguns and LMGs are effective.


This is SO MUCH FUN. The best thing to do is WALK (not run) around that area where the power switch is (the stage). You can circle around that little area, killing as you go. Only one person should do this at a time. It's hard to explain so if somebody could put a better explanation in the comments box I will give you credit!!

So, that just about rounds up the zombie guide. If you have more tips/cheats/secrets, put them in the comments box. If you thought this was useful, please subscribe by mail, follow, or share on Facebook/Twitter!